时光流淌到 Peter 在北京访问的最后一天,以及这次访问和我的最后一次 meeting,以及这次访问和我的最后一次 meeting 的最后一个环节。对面是 Peter 和 Satomi,这边是我。赭红的世界,室内是冷的色温是明亮的,暖的室外的是黯淡的刺骨。柔软,模糊的轮廓线,轻到无法触碰,甚至不敢触碰的,是空气。声音,覆盖着灰尘。谈了许多,像是静音的,像是一格一格的,它棱角分明,融在地毯上,湿润着纤维。像是你睡着时,在梦里看到的,冬天的一场大雪,醒来,发现窗外真的是白的。感觉不到时间在流淌,却感受到它的温度。最后一句,不要酗酒了。
因为虚拟的 jet lag,三四点醒来,今天真的还没喝酒呢。大脑停不下来循环的,是盘尼西林的雨夜曼彻斯特。轻轻跟着心里的旋律哼唱起来,拨动了夜的弦的第一声,终于,情绪崩溃了。我可以许诺不会酗酒,但是,今晚,喔不,今早,请忍下我喝个痛快。一路顺利!
to Chen Song: 你看,我真的是中文系的吧,哈哈,哈,
雨夜曼彻斯特 – 盘尼西林
Cold rain fell down my face when I just looked around
An old man walked to me
Begged for some pence
I found out all my pockets and gave him all the coins
He was moved and he said to me
“Son,I’ll pay you a great great light.”
He directed me a way and pointed a broken neon light
He said:”just go and press the button, and let it on”
(“To find what you want”)
I did what he told me
Oh what a bright shine in the sky
I just looked around looking for
He was no there
Now I awake from my dream and come close to the window
I want to find the light and now I want the bright
Time time flies, his face dims in my mind
But I will always remember what a beautiful shine in the rainy night