Category: system

  • Documents folder in Windows

    In the Windows system, there are likely up to four different types of ‘Documents’ that you can find in your Windows system:

    In your local user account folder:


    In your OneDrive private user account folder:


    In your OneDrive organization user account folder:

    C:\Users\sudos\OneDrive – Harvard University\Documents

    In the Documents shortcut (this shortcut links to the first user account folder you logged in):


  • Wake Me up When September Ends

    一年前的九月三十號,某個文件被寫定(下圖下方紅框),某個人關掉了 ssh,之後再沒有人維護過這個 service。直到一年之後的八月底,它像個沒人要的孩子,滿身創傷,再也無法提供服務,也沒有人…… 九月一號,理清了服務器上的所有細節,一點點修復了代碼的所有問題,某個文件被寫定(下圖上方紅框),存盤。註定似的電台裡面響起了 Wake Me up When September Ends

  • Locale Emulator 的 global profile 不能用,但是 application profile 可以用的解决方法

    到程序目录下找到主程序:X:\Program Files (x86)\Locale.EmulatorXXX\LEProc.exe, 赋予 管理员权限即可。