這裡也分享一張沒有上傳到圖片站上的圖片(這張圖用的模型是 Flux.1 Dev. 對於商用並沒有那麼自由)。它叫做 Greeky. 在 Morton, Lisa. 2012. Trick or Treat : A History of Halloween. London: Reaktion Books 中提到 Halloween 的起源:
“Samhain was also an important day for administration, akin to the US Tax Day in modern times. A yearly gathering was held at Tara, the ancient seat of kings, where three days’ worth of feasting and sporting alternated with debt repayment and trials (those who were found guilty of particularly severe crimes were executed then as well).” Deepl 翻譯: Samhain 也是一個重要的行政日,類似於現代美國的納稅日。一年一度的聚會在古代國王的所在地塔拉 (Tara) 舉行,三天的宴會和體育活動與還債和審判交替進行(那些被判犯有特別嚴重罪行的人也會在這一天被處決)。